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Child in Prayer
12” X 16”
Oil on Linen
Private Collection
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Early, in the tints of dawn
From an anxious night without sleep,
Came the tearful Mary Magdalene
Brokenhearted, in frustration so deep.

Her grief suppressed the memory
Of, "Lo, I am with you always,"
For the previous agonizing experience
Engulfed her in a daze.

The empty tomb awaited
Witnessed the napkin and the shroud,
"They have taken away my Lord!"
Appearances, her mind did cloud.

"Why do you weep? Whom do you seek?"
God's Risen Son did ask,
For God so loves the world
That His "Word" Eternally last!

Thinking Jesus Christ was the gardener
She told Him of her plight,
When He said unto her, "Mary,"
In joy, she forgot her fright!

Hearing her name in Perfect sound
That no other voice can relay,
Turned to her Lord answering, "Master!"
For His message to His "brothers" convey.

"Go tell them I ascend,
Unto my Father, who is your Father too,
He is my God and your God, Mary,
For His Glory to shine through you."

When Our Heavenly Father is totally loved
With heart, mind, strength and soul,
The power of His Will works miracles
The Resurrection and Life truly told.

Christ's appearance to many was later
For the Great Works of God unfurl,
Because God's Plan of Resurrection and Life
Was before His foundation of the world.

God's Everlasting Commandment speaks He
For wrong in the world cast out,
To draw all to His Risen Son
Is what God's Love is all about!

For God's Peace to Glorify Him
Within the Souls of all,
Christ spoke to Mary Magdalene
So the world will hear His call.

That a woman was honored of God
To first tell of His Risen Son,
He counted every woman worthy
For her part in His Peace being done.

Inspired from Saint John, Chapter Twenty.

"Your Master is not only beautiful art work the poetry is loaded with focusing on rarely discussed issues, like: "God's Plan of Resurrection and Life was before His Foundation of His World. You qualify to be named a Doctor of the Church."
Love, Jerry.

Thank you Jerry. I love my God Given subjects for me to paint. I love your God Given friendship too.

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